Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chapter 1: Knowing Students Well

In the first chapter one of the students makes a comment about a survey her history teacher gave her on the first day to find out more about the students. The student states that this is the first time a teacher had asked about how she learns.

This surprised me because I always got sick of being asked those same questions over and over again by all of my teachers. My first day always consisted of teachers going over their syllabuses and then handing out these surveys that every other teacher in the school seemed to have. I always got really sick of having to give out the same information over and over again. But, I suppose that it is helpful information for a teacher to have and that it would make some students feel like the teacher cared about who they are.

1 comment:

  1. Good QR and well-written. 4/4 So if you want that kind of information you'll have to find a unique way to get it so the same thing doesn't happen to your students. ;-)
