Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Student Sample

This video is a reenactment of a scene from The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Students were asked to create a scene from the novel based on their own interpretation while staying true to the plot, characters and themes of the novel. This is the scene is where Dominique invites the press over to Howard's home to find evidence of her having an affair with him. This scene was chosen because it is a major turning point for the character. This is her announcing to Howard, herself and the world that she is ready to be happy with her life and that she no longer cares what anyone else thinks of her.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My contributions to the WebQuest wikis

I added two examples of Consensus building tasks to the Consensus Building page.
I added one example to the persuasion task page.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to help someone use a computer

"Having convinced yourself of these things, you are more likely to follow some important rules: Find out what they're really trying to do. Is there another way to go about it?" It has always been helpful to me that when my approach to a problem doesn't work if someone shows me an easier and more effective way to accomplish the same thing. I liked this one because it involves looking at other possibilities when trying the same thing a hundred times doesn't work.
"First you have to tell yourself somethings: If it's not obvious to them, it's not obvious." This one was good too because I remember when I first started working with computers being told something was easy or obvious was frustrating. Especially because by the time I asked for help I was already frustrated.

I can use these when teaching about how to use Second Life both in general terms to a new user and to a teacher by remembering it is not obvious and it is often best to find another way to do it.

Agre, Phil. "How to help someone use a computer." 1996. 2009 Feb, 05. http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/pagre/how-to-help.html

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Web 2.0 Educator

I picked Scott Walker the author of the blog "Technology Tips For All Teachers -TeacherTechBlog". His specialty seems to be technology. His blogs are about different technologies that can be effectively used in the classroom. There was a lot of good information here. In reading his blogs I learned some about glogs, about eInstruction Classroom Performance System and about saving Youtube videos to play in powerpoint. It seems that he uses a lot of different technologies in his classroom and is open to new possibilities.